Photo Challenge: Holidays
It's been several weeks since we have had Foto Friday at Rebecca's house, but now it's back to business! We were supposed to take pictures over the holidays to share today. I didn't do very well. My camera sat unused for much of the month of December.

Christmas morning isn't the same without very young children in the house. Bigger children tend to sleep longer, which is a welcome thing! Isn't this a motley crew?
I loved these ornaments placed in the freshly fallen snow!
Collin got a camera identical to mine, and we had fun practicing our bokeh shots.

Gracing the table on Christmas morning were homemade cinnamon rolls made by me, and two pounds of bacon cooked by Verne.

A new ornament for me! Mac's friend Sarah presented it to me about a week before Christmas. I was thrilled!
Traditionally, Christmas dinner at our home is ham, and all of the fixings. Not this year. We had pasta. It was red and green, and delicious!
No one seemed to mind.
Three pretty maids all in a row. Can you believe that Sarah had scissors sitting beside her throughout the entire meal and never said a word? After I noticed them in the pictures, I told her she needs to speak up. I have no idea WHY they were there in the first place!
I hope your Christmas was wonderful, and that your 2010 is full of God's blessings.
What is that in the girls' drinking glasses? It looks frothy and rich...please share a recipe, if you can!
Raleigh Foodie,
EASY and DELICIOUS! We serve it at every holiday. Simply place orange sherbet in a pretty glass, and cover with real cranberry juice! If you like you can add a touch of 7-UP or gingerale, but we love it as is.
Great shots Tracey, You have a wonderful family.
Your Christmas looks warm and inviting!
I loved the idea of Pasta for the meal. It is good to break tradition every now and then, lol.
Sarah looks like a very nice girl and very pretty too!
What a lovely crew! I know what you mean about not having young children around... We only have one who is still young but he seems to be growing up all too quickly! Love the punch idea! The guys will love it!
I love your shots.
Jason's mom traded in a traditional roast this year for Chicken Tetrazzini. She made it ahead and it was so nice having her around more for Christmas morning instead of slaving away in the kitchen!
you and I ...I tell ya. We NEED to meet up sometime! ;-)
That shot of the ornaments in the snow had such perfect clarity and color....reminds me how lovely natural light can be. Looks right out of a magazine.
I experimented making star bokeh this holiday but never was able to make star bokeh in the background with something in focus in the foreground. It was either or. :-(
Your Christmas was lovely. It is so blessed that your newly married live close enough to celebrate with you. Thanks for sharing glimpses of it with us!
The comment about not having young children around sounds like a plea for grandkids ;)
Your posts always make me hungry!, I love how peaceful everything looks, but not without an ornery seeming gleam in the boys eyes!
Great photos!! I love the bokeh shot! AWESOME! Pioneer Woman was doing a contest this year and the shots were sooo neat! :)
We broke with tradition this year and had King Crab legs and Shrimp, along with antipasto plates and meat and cheese plates. It was a nice change from roast beast, ham or turkey. Everyone got more than enough food.
Your table looks scrumptious.
We usually have Italian on Christmas Eve. Yummy! :o) Great pictures, and what fun for you and Collin to learn together!
What a fabulous family! Everyone looked so happy..I also loved the are an inspiration to me!
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