Monday, January 14, 2008

A Few Prayer Requests

Sorry I've been kind of scarce over the past several days... duties call, as I'm sure you all know. I have a few prayer requests to throw out. I would really appreciate it, if the Lord lays me on your heart, to lift up a prayer or two.

James 5:16 The prayer of a righteous person has much power as it is working. ESV

First, my paternal grandmother (not the one who lives with me) is not doing well, and hasn't been for some time. She's in her early 80's and is suffering from Alzheimer's. She's been in and out of the hospital, and she's currently in. She doesn't eat and drink enough, and becomes dehydrated, leading to infections. As soon as she is finished with a round of antibiotics, she'll go back to the nursing home. All of the family is not in agreement that she needs this type of care, but truly, she does. Her name is Beatrice if you would pray for her. I honestly don't know her spiritual condition, and this saddens and worries me.

Second, I went to the doctor today. I have twice yearly visits, and have for years. I have hypo-thyroidism, and high blood pressure. My thyroid has been under control for many years now, and as long as I take my medication, I'm fine. I've been on blood pressure medication for about a year. I was doing fine. Until today. I take my medication faithfully, and have never missed a day. Today, my BP was 144/92. The doctor was concerned, and took it again about 20 minutes later. At that point, it was 160/100. I feel fine. No pain, no shortness of breath. I've lost close to 20 pounds (intentionally) over the past 5 months, and the doctor was thrilled about that, so it doesn't make sense that my BP would be higher. I return in six weeks for a re-check. Until then, I'm to monitor it at home and return with a chart. I really don't want to go on any more medication. Would you please pray that the Lord would heal this for me, and bring it under control?

I'm so very thankful to have a Christian doctor who is concerned with my spiritual health as much as my physical health. He reminded me that sometimes God puts things in our way so that we'll rely on HIM more. So true! Thank you in advance for your prayers.


Kelley said...

I am praying!
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!

~~Deby said...

For someone who also has High BP...I will remember you..I am on two meds and look forward to a day when I can go OFF...really working on the weight thing...what was really neat last week ...was when I was in ER for 10 hours hooked up to everything...the BP machine would take it very often..and it was normal..the whole time...I give the glory to God because I know in the past...any little stress...even just going and having it taken would jump it up...called *white coat hbp* and have someone take it...when you are vegging...and do some deep the sodium...etc...I know you know...BUT I will pray..

Rebecca said...

I will pray too. I just lost my grandmother on Dec. 5 and my sister has the same blood pressure issues. I can relate.

Ruth said...

Hi Tracy! I will definitely be praying for you.

weavermom said...

I'm praying!!

I have hypothyroidism too - don't forget to have him just run that test again before changing anything else. As I'm sure you know it affects so much and sometimes change happens so gradually we don't even notice.

Here's praying that your next 6 weeks is very steady. Or he finds something wrong with his BP machine. Or.... :)

Anonymous said...

I'm honored to pray for you and for your paternal grandmother.

For you ~ that the high blood pressure would be lessened and no further meds necessary. that you would rest and trust Him, realizing He's allowing this for His greater purpose. one purpose may be to draw you even closer to Him - what a delight and i'm sure you're doing just that. i'll be praying for your doctor (we both have Christian docs!) that he'll seek wisdom from above and in discernment, determine the best course for your health.

i'm praying for your grandmother's heart would soften and that somehow our Lord would reveal Himself to her and she would respond to His call. i pray that she would be surrounded by Christian medical staff who will lovingly share Christ with her.

Bless you, dear friend.

haus frau

Jodi said...

((Tracy)) ~ Praying!

Mrs. Anna T said...

Dear Tracy, I'm sorry to hear about your struggles. Hope everything works out.

randi said...

I will be praying for you, Tracy. I know it is hard to deal with the unknown when it comes to health issues,but I do know that God has this in His hands!

Beck said...


Lori said...

Praying for you and your health.

Also praying for your grandmother.

Mimi said...

I am praying for your grandmother...I know that Alzheimer's takes a toll on the entire family... I also pray that your BP comes under control and remains so.....

Momma Roar said...

Praying in PA!! :)

Karen said...

I'll pray for you, Tracy. I had a similar situation a couple of years ago. I had lost a lot weight and yet my blood pressure went up. I was also exercising regularly and eating a low-salt diet. So my doctor just encouraged me to keep up the good work and come in for another check up in six months. When I went back, my blood pressure was good again. And it's been fine since then...thank the Lord! But my doctor told me I will always need to keep track of my blood pressure, because it's a family issue for me. And if I hadn't lost the weight and taken care of myself, it would definitely be a bigger problem.

Unknown said...

I will pray for your grandmother.I too have high blood pressure and take medication.I also take rx for low thyroid. If my levels get high my bp goes up.Just a thought. I hope yours goes down.God bless your kids for helping.

Stacie said...

I hope that you will be feeling much better soon. I will be praying for your health, Mrs. K! As well as your grandmother!!

Jennifer said...

I'll definitely be praying. It's always un-nerving to watch a loved one suffer, while also having issues with your own health. I've very thankful that you feel good though, and I'll be praying that your bp will stay within a normal range without more meds.

How wonderful to have a Christian doctor!

Anonymous said...

I usually check your blog daily but missed a couple of days this week. I will be praying for you and for your grandmother.
I completely understand not wanting to be on any additional meds so will be praying that your body will do what it needs to.
I will be praying that the family members who are making decisions on behalf of your grandmother will be able to work out their differences of opinion and remember to put your grandmother's needs first.
Blessings to you,

Rachel said...

Tracy, I will be praying!

Sharon said...

I'll be keeping you and your grandmother in my prayers.

I have high BP too and take medication. I really should check mine at home on a more regular basis.
I have found that sometimes when I have a bad headache and check my BP, it is usually higher than normal. Please keep a close watch!

Anonymous said...

How's your grandmother doing, Tracy?

And you ... how is your health?

I'm continuing to pray <><