Sunday, September 13, 2009

Asparagus Fern

Early in the spring my husband visited the local high school greenhouse, which is run by the FFA. His search for tomato plants, peppers and a few other things came up empty. As he turned to go, a last minute thought popped into his mind. "Do you have any asparagus?"

The young girl excitedly grabbed a very tiny plant. "We have just one left," she beamed.

"Good. I'll take it."

My sweet husband drove home, and entered the house. "I wasn't able to get tomatoes or peppers, but I did get some asparagus!"

I hated to burst his bubble, but I informed him that this plant wasn't asparagus, but asparagus fern. Never mind, though, I'd re-pot it and place it indoors.

Several months later, and this lacy little plant is thriving in my sewing room window. It gives me a chuckle each time I look at it.


~~Deby said...

Great memory to go with a cool looking plant...

Tracy said...

We had a beautiful feathery asparagus fern growing up the side of our garage when I was very young.

Becky K. said...

Sweet story...It does make one smile.

Have a great day!
Becky K.
Hospitality Lane